Friday, October 13, 2006 | |
ikut2an apratz, tapi kayaknya kalo punya gw ga ada cocok2nya... huahahaha..
numerology reading: Your Soul Number is SIX.
Devoted, loving, and sympathetic, your life centers around the well-being of your family and those you love. A happy, harmonious personal life is what you value above all else. You will also find satisfaction in serving those in the outside world, becoming involved in the helping professions, in community service and affairs, or by giving generously of your time and help to your friends. You are protective, responsible, and conscientious towards those who depend upon you, and you are the ideal mother or father in many ways, though you can be too involved in the lives of your loved ones. Learn to allow family members the freedom and room to make their own choices and mistakes.
You respond to beauty, and are gifted in the arts. Creating a beautiful garden or home is very satisfying to you.
The Inner You: Your Real Motivation
Proud and intensely individual, you really want to stand out, to be the very best you can be, and to be recognized and appreciated for your unique contributions. Doing something well and being respected for it is extremely important to you, and you cannot tolerate being in the background, taking orders from others, or being "just one of the team". You must put your personal stamp on whatever you do, and direct your own course in life. You need to have a place where you can shine, express yourself creatively, and be the one in charge.
Mental Interests and Abilities
You are a person of strong opinions and you express your views energetically and often dramatically. You are an entertaining speaker and will embellish or exaggerate in order to get your point across. You have an aptitude for story-telling and performing. Even if your arena is only the classroom or dining room table, you put on a good show. You have an abundance of creative ideas and do not enjoy a job in which you have no creative input or voice in decision-making. You could be a good politician, spokesperson, group leader, director, or coach.
Leo symbolizes the consciousness wherein there is strength, creativity and virility, as well as a certain headstrong or willful nature in how you apply yourself in relationship with others.
For instance, Aurora, reading biographical or historical novels about European royalty, daydreaming about the courts of Kings and Queens of modern Europe or ancient times and other grandeurs of the past may bring to your conscious mind memories of previous incarnations when you were at the forefront of things. Hence to this very day there probably remains within you considerable inner strength along with a strong feeling for behind-the-scenes intrigues as well as a powerful sense of individualism. These qualities are probably connected with your past life experiences involved -- directly and indirectly -- with leaders of society and government.
You are also likely to have an above-average interest in the great artistic and spiritual accomplishments of the grand cathedrals and great churches of Britain and Europe, as well as the ancient temples of the Mediterranean world.
gak penting... =P |
posted by Ra! @ 01:36  |