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Tuesday, November 14, 2006
computer science and me, aku dan jurusanku
After being desperate for not a short time, I try to cheer up my self. Computer science, computer science, and computer science.

Thinking deeply about my major, I try to gain info to encourage my self. One thing I did few mins ago was listing the modules. The past, the present, and the future -_-"

Let's see. Actually I should collect 144 SKS. From the core, there are 4 modules left (exclude the practical work and FYP). The 4 modules are:
Komputer dan Masyarakat (Computer and Society)
Analisis Numerik (Analysis Numerical)
Proyek Perangkat Lunak (Software Engineering Project)
Desain dan Analisis Algoritma (Algorithm Design & Analysis)

I've already collected 86 SKS. 144 - 86 = 58
I must take all the core modules. 58 - 11 = 47
I must do the practical work. 47 - 3 = 44
I MUST do my FYP. 44 - 6 = 38

38 SKS. (assume that I am not going to transfer the credits from NUS T__T )

Now, let's see the list. The list of elective modules. Make sure that I'll not take the modules which I put strikeline on them.

IKI 31420 Administrasi Bisnis
IKI 40600 Aljabar Linier Numerik
IKI 30710 Analisis dan Perancangan Sistem
IKI 30610 Aproksimasi dan Sistem Nonlinier
IKI 30150 Cryptography & Information Security (I'll take this module if and only if my CS3235 failed. hope not!!)
IKI 42430 Electronic Commerce
IKI 32230 Embedded systems
IKI 30500 Grafika Komputer
IKI 42410 Manajemen Keamanan Informasi
IKI 42300 Kecerdasan Buatan
IKI 40220 Komputasi Tersebar
IKI 32400 Komunikasi Bisnis dan Teknis
IKI 32420 Manajemen Pemasaran dan Kewirausahaan
IKI 31410 Manajemen Proyek
IKI 42400 Manajemen Sistem Informasi
IKI 32010 Metodologi Penelitian (I'll take this module if and only if my CS4250 failed. hope not!!)
IKI 31210 Mikroelektronika
IKI 42200 Organisasi Sistem Komputer Lanjut
IKI 30810 Functional Programming
IKI 30820 Logic Programming
IKI 40921 Pemrosesan Teks (Pemrosesan Bahasa Indonesia)
IKI 40510 Pengajaran Berbantuan Komputer (PBK)
IKI 32220 Pengantar Digital Signal Processing
IKI 41420 Pengembangan & Pemasaran Produk
IKI 30310 Pengolahan Citra
IKI 31800 Prinsip-Prinsip Bahasa Pemrograman
IKI 30910 Prinsip-Prinsip Manajemen
IKI 31400 Prinsip-Prinsip Sistem Informasi
IKI 41220 Rancangan Aplikasi Digital Signal Processing
IKI 31220 Rancangan Sistem Digital
IKI 40700 Real Time Systems (Sistem Waktu Nyata)
IKI 32430 Sistem Informasi Akuntansi
IKI 40400 Sistem Informasi Geografis
IKI 30510 Sistem Interaksi
IKI 40300 Sistem Penunjang Keputusan (SPK)
IKI 30220 Sistem Terdistribusi
IKI 40800 Teknik Kompilator
IKI 42500 Teknik Multimedia
IKI 40620 Teknik Simulasi dan Pemodelan
IKI 30250 Teori Informasi

The italic modules, most likely I'll take them. The rest? Not really sure. Hummm, still confuse. For sure, I'll leave programming. IS, I'm coming!!! ^_^

posted by Ra! @ 03:45  
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