Wednesday, October 04, 2006 |
new facts |
New facts that I found today:
 Fairprice instant noodle is much much much much more delicious than Maggi instant noodle. Well it just my own opinion. At least for the curry flavour.

Another information to you all... There's a double side (reversible) jacket in NUS Co-Op with blue-black color now!!! Hurrayyy!! (Coz usually they only have the orange-blue color, n I hate the orange side =P )

See? How 'nyentrik' the orange side is! (same as Farica, couldn't find an appropriate word to translete 'nyentrik' in English, hahaha...)
lastly... please take a look

Well, he's one of my lecturer. Now I know that he was 37 in 2004, so... (conclude by yourself =P)
more detail about him, please visit btw, it's also part of new facts that I found today!! (I mean, the 37 years old thing) |
posted by Ra! @ 17:05  |