Monday, October 02, 2006 |
asep (bukan temennya cecep) |
#1 weekend 9 nya nanti aja ya.
#2 sebegitu sulitnya kah navigasi template gw yang baru ini?? kecewa saya. kakak kecewa, dik!!! *SIOP MODE* huahahahaha...
#3 seiring dengan berjalannya waktu, akhirnya mulai keliatan aslinya. sotoy bin sop tahu. males banget jadinya kalo mo ngobrol sama makhluk ini. OK, lo emang ngerti banyak hal. gw akui kalo pengetahuan umum lo luas. but u understand nothing bout my field! susah emang kalo ngomongin masa depan sama orang sotoy. ini salah itu salah. yang bener cuma yang dari mulut dia. ah, cukup.
#4 sudah lama aku mengenal dia. aku tau dia seorang pemberani. aku tau dia seorang yang perfeksionis. aku tau cita2nya. aku tau impiannya. aku tau warna kesukaannya. aku tau betapa dia hanya bisa berkonsentrasi pada satu hal dalam satu waktu. aku tau ia berusaha keras untuk membuat kejutan. dan masih banyak lagi. tapi baru2 ini aku sadari, bahwa ia adalah orang yang tidak bisa melawan kata hatinya =)
#5 Singapore Hit By Smog Caused By Forest Fires In Indonesia Sunday October 1st, 2006 / 4h08
SINGAPORE -(Dow Jones)- Singapore has been hit by smog from forest fires in Indonesia, although the city-state says the air quality hasn't deteriorated to unhealthy levels.
The Straits Times newspaper Monday quoted Singapore's National Environmental Agency as saying that the "haze" appeared because of forest fires on Indonesia's Sumatra island and a change in wind direction.
The paper also published a photograph showing that Singapore's skyline was obscured Sunday afternoon due to smoke from burning trees. The skyline remained clouded as at 9:30 a.m. Singapore time (0100 GMT).
The haze - a term used in Southeast Asia to describe the annual smog arising from the illegal burning of forests to clear land for plantations in Indonesia - will likely continue in the next two days, the paper quoted the agency as saying.
According to the agency's Web site, Singapore's 24-hour pollutant standards index is still "good," with a reading of 41 as of 4:00 p.m. Sunday.
The agency defines an index reading of below 50 as good, a reading of 51-100 as moderate, and anything above 100 as unhealthy.
-By Kevin Lim, Dow Jones Newswires; (65) 6415 4156; -Edited by Graham Norris
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posted by Ra! @ 21:02  |