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Tuesday, August 15, 2006 |
5 modules *sigh* |
Pagi yang indah, pagi yang cerah. Hahaha, asal banget sich gw, jelas2 ini masih jam 6.22 GMT +8, alias masih gelap di mana2, pagi2 buta! Hahaha…. Tapi gw seneng kok, akhirnya gw bisa bangun pagi walopun tidurnya larut malam. Mengapa bangun pagi? Karena liburan tlah usai, ini hari pertama gw kuliah. Duh… doakan lancar semua ya! Gw masang alarm n reminder HP bertubi-tubi (???) supaya bisa bangun pagi. Maklum, kemarin2 bangunnya selalu di atas jam 10. Sebenernya alarm n reminder HP itu ga terlalu mempan untuk membangunkan gw. Gw tadi langsung melek gara2 sadar, lagu yang diputer di laptop gw bukanlah lagu gw. Pagi2 yang harusnya cerah ini, eh…. Kok gw harus denger lagu Laos di saat masih setengah sadar… T___T Blom lagi MSN gw yang dengan semena-mena di-sign out. Padahal gw dah bilang, semua messenger adalah kuasa gw (hahaha), kalo rumetku itu mau chatting, sok atuh buka meebo. Pusing…. Pusing….
Well, bosen juga ni gw menjawab pertanyaan yang sama dari orang2 berbeda setiap kali ketemu atopun chat. “Ra, ikut program apa sich?”…. Ya, silakan ini yang di bawah ini diklik, sapa tau membantu untuk Anda juga dan menjadi salah satu recipient berikutnya =)
Huaaaaaa….. serem juga nih gw ngambil 5 modules. Doakan saya ya!!
CS1280 Java to C++
This module aims to train students who have learned data structures and algorithms in Java to program in C++. Basic constructs common in the two languages will not be covered (e.g. if-else, loops etc). Topics covered include: Objects and classes in C++, fundamental data structures: arrays, strings, vectors, I/O, exception handling, sub-classing , inheritance, template function, template class, use of STL, and defining operator. Assessment of students in this module will be on satisfactory/unsatisfactory (S/U) basis. The duration of the course is six weeks, opening at beginning of semesters.
Modular Credits : 2 Pre-requisite : CS1102 (Data Structures and Algorithms) Module Workload (A-B-C-D-E)* : 2-0-1-0-3
CS3212 Programming Languages
This module provides the students with theoretical knowledge and practical skill in design and implementation of programming languages. It discusses the theory behind the fundamental programming paradigms (imperative, functional, logic, and object-oriented) and behind basic programming language concepts such as binding, scope, parameter-passing mechanisms and types. It introduces the language processing techniques of interpretation and compilation. A discussion of virtual machines highlights that program execution almost always uses both, often in a multi-level hierarchical architecture. The course covers automatic memory management as a feature of programming systems and its implementation.
Modular Credits : 4 Prerequisites: CS1102 (Data Structures and Algorithms) Module Workload (A-B-C-D-E)* : 2-0-2-3-3
CS3235 Introduction to Computer Security
With the widespread use of computers and Internet as well as electronic commerce, computer security becomes more and more important. The objective of this module is to give students basic knowledge of computer security. This module covers the following topics: threats to computer systems, network security fundamentals, security in a layered protocol architecture, authentication in computer systems, access control, intrusion detection, security architecture and frameworks, lower layers security protocols, upper layer security protocols, electronic mail and EDI security, directory systems security, Unix systems security, security evaluation criteria.
Modular Credits : 4 Pre-requisite : CS2105 (Introduction to Computer Networks) Module Workload (A-B-C-D-E)* : 2-1-0-3-3
CS4250 Information System Research Methodology
This module introduces students to research in the area of management information systems (MIS). Students will learn the formal requirements of good research, and a broad spectrum of basic methodologies of MIS research, such as survey, the basic types of laboratory experiment, and field study. Data collection techniques, such as questionnaire design, mail survey, interviews, laboratory observation, and relevant statistical tests will be covered. Students will gain wide exposure to recent information systems research and theories.
Modular Credits : 4 Pre-requisite : ST2334 (Probability and Statistics) Module Workload (A-B-C-D-E)* : 2-0.5-0-3-4
GEK1519 / PC1327 Science of Music
The aim of the module is to introduce non-musicians as well as non-scientists to the underlying science on which much of music is based. Present-day music theory is based on firm physics and psycho-acoustical foundations which may not be apparent to most listeners but which underlie the rules of harmony and counterpoint. The design and technology of musical instruments also has a solid basis in physics and acoustics. Recent developments in electronic and computer music, as well as sound reproduction, have served to bring music, science and technology even more closely together. Electronic keyboards and synthesizers are now widely used alongside traditional keyboard instruments like the pianoforte for music making.
This module aims to introduce students to the science of music. Topics to be covered: acoustics, sound and music; vibrations, frequency and pitch; musical intervals and mathematical ratios; vibrating strings and musical intervals; the construction of musical scales; Just, Pythagorean and Equal Tempered tuning; musical instruments and their waveforms; the harmonic series; harmonics and musical timbre; string and wind instruments; the pianoforte and its technology; the action of grand and upright pianos; automated pianos; electronic music; the MIDI system; MIDI signals; general MIDI and MIDI sequencers; synthesis of musical sounds; additive and subtractive synthesis; FM synthesis; digitization and sampling; digital synthesis of waveforms; digital music reproduction.
Modular Credits : 4 Pre-requisite : Nil Module Workload (A-B-C-D-E)* : 4-1-0-3-4
*Workload (A-B-C-D-E)
A: no. of lecture hours per week B: no. of tutorial hours per week C: no. of laboratory hours per week D: no. of hours for projects, assignments, fieldwork etc per week E: no. of hours for preparatory work by a student per week
Dan bagi yang membutuhkan, silakan alamat dan nomor HP** berikut ini dicatat =)
Ridge View Residence blk D#501 25 Lower Kent Ridge Road Singapore 119081 +6582269849
**Untuk sementara, hanya menerima SMS! Berhubung pulsanya lagi di bawah S$8, gw ga bisa ngaktifin free roaming nya. OK??
Cerita2 lain nanti ya. Daku harus mandi dulu. Hoaaahhhhhmmmmm. Ngantuk euy. Mandi!!!!!!!!!!!!
posted by Ra! @ 06:44  |
Ho ho ho bagussss... beli yang banyak yah oleh2nya. Ngomong2 kamar jadi rame banget sama tempelannya Patre, he he
Ini lagi di BI, jadi gw bisa menggunakan internet dengan semena2.
Met kuliah!!! Cerita2 yah gimana hari pertamanya!!!
Mejik gw SP ini A lhooo ha ha ha
ya iyalah beli (agak) banyak... wong buat banyak orang... hahaha.. buat satu aja ya tonx! toh harganya sama kayak oleh2 buat 4 sampe 5 orang.. =P
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Ho ho ho bagussss... beli yang banyak yah oleh2nya.
Ngomong2 kamar jadi rame banget sama tempelannya Patre, he he
Ini lagi di BI, jadi gw bisa menggunakan internet dengan semena2.
Met kuliah!!! Cerita2 yah gimana hari pertamanya!!!
Mejik gw SP ini A lhooo ha ha ha