Monday, September 04, 2006 |
weekend #5 : laundry day T_T |
Last Sat finally I ate ‘nasi kuning’ (yellow rice?) for the first time in this city. Yeah, the youth fellowship of the church served it. Quite nice, except the too-big-chicken-drumstick. On the same day, I met Wiwin. Guess what! He’s a boy, haha. And the great news for me, he’s a third year electrical engineering NUS student. Thanks God, I find a new friend from NUS in this church (Orchard Road Presbyterian Church => ORPC).
Congratz to bro Riyandi who’d been elected as the president of IKASTARA65 =) Good luck on facing this challenge. And have a nice team work with the other committee!

Had a long long chat with Apratz in her room. We started sleep at 5AM T__T Sound’s reasonable that then I woke up at 10AM =)
Have you ever seen an old lady out from a market? And folks, that’s what I look like yesterday. Haha… 5 plastic bags contain frying pan, knife, spoon, fork, salt, rice, pepper, chili, flour, nugget, frozen shrimp, etc…. Yup yup, those are cooking stuffs. Can u imagine that I cook?????? =P
Here’s a nice quote I found in my calendar. “Before it can be solved, a problem must be clearly defined” – William Feather
Actually it’s a quote which is describing about life. But for me… coz my prog2.cpp was just finished few hours ago!! Then I’ll say that… the quote is one of fundamental principle in programming =P
A warm greet for CSUI-ers (esp 2004!). Happy new semester =) Study hard n good luck for u all… Hmm, I’ll be your junior next year… Anum, PPL, SI, hiiii…..
-nothingMuchToTell -andCurrentlyStudyingInProgress… |
posted by Ra! @ 09:18  |
wow. cool... you bought so many cooking utensils. look forward to my laksa ya. take care.
--- SooChin =)
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wow. cool... you bought so many cooking utensils. look forward to my laksa ya. take care.
--- SooChin =)